Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Global Warming? More like GAY

As nothing happens early in the week I'm going to post about Global Warming. Although its undeniable that the earth is indeed getting hotter I think its lunacy and vanity to think that its caused by people and that we can have any effect on the process. We constantly read about tonnes of carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere, what isn't said is that the atmosphere weighs about 33 trillion tonnes. A trillion is a big incomprehensible number, to put it in perspective if each tonne is a second then a million tonnes is about 11 days, a billion tonnes is about 37 years and 33 trillion tonnes is 33,000 years. so if you fly from London to Kuwait each passenger produces 1 tonne of CO2. Thats the impact of a single second compared to 33,000 years ... basically a single second since the dawn of man, not quite as momentous as we're lead to believe. Thats not even taking into consideration the huge amounts of CO2 that are reabsorbed by the sea and plants.

Even if CO2 is causing the planet to warm there's not much making a compost heap is going to do about it. CO2 only makes up 0.03% of the atmosphere and of that CO2 0.015% is created by man made activities. Of that tiny percentage of atmospheric gasses you have to weigh up the fact that China is building a new coal fired power station at the rate of one every five days against you buying an energy saving light bulb and reusing plastic bags. The only real way to have an impact on carbon emissions would be for everyone to become a vegetarian - animals produce way more CO2 than we do and if we didn't rear them they'd be far fewer of them. Plus more plants means more CO2 absorption. Not eating rice would also be extremely beneficial as paddy fields produce loads of CO2 [as a side bar the Toyota Prius is so complicated to manufacture that its actually more environmentally friendly to drive a 4x4 for your whole life than buy one (not even taking into account driving it around].

Plus its also worth noting that most of the 'proof' for global warming comes from the IPCC, they'd all be out of a job pretty quickly if they said 'the world is getting hotter but its because we're coming out of the last ice age and there's not a lot we can do about it'. Bye-bye funding, bye-bye salary. Its like the Vatican saying 'we've got proof that God exists' and everybody going 'oh why didn't you say so, we believe now'. The whole myth appeals to people's conservatism, fear of change and allows the ignorant to feel righteous. We've elevated a bunch of cranks and weirdos who hate development and fear globalisation and technology to the level of prophets. People are going look back on us in 1000 years and laugh at our anthropocentricity and stupidity.

While I'm on the subject as well ... life on this planet managed to survive a giant meteor strike that blackened the sky and blocked the sun for months on end. I think it might just get through a few degrees temperature rise and the occasional oil spill. Nature doesn't need your help, even if we coated the world in oil slicks and toxic chemicals creatures would simply evolve that thrived on oil and toxic chemicals. The whole idea that the world is this fragile little daisy in need of the protection of some hessian-sack-wearing hippy is lunacy. We live on rock floating on a lake of fire hurtling through a vacuum at thousands of miles an hour, crawling all over it like a virus, living pointless lives full of pain and misery. If anyone needs help its us, not the planet. The sooner people realise that the sooner we can all get out there, hug some strangers, drink some beer, enjoy sunshine and stop to smell the pretty flowers.

I do think its worth conserving the planet's resources, but only because it makes sense and being wasteful is tacky. Doing it because you think you're going to stop London from drowning is moronic and doing it at the expense of the development of the third world is criminal.

1 comment:

SaintTigerlily said...

Wow. Ok then.

I'll bring my aqua-net out of hiding.