Thursday, 14 February 2008

The sweet smell of success

Going through a period of intense jealousy at the moment. While I have the privilege of attending the world's worst job interview for a job a monkey could do, my friends all seem to be reaching the point in their careers where they go from merely having a job to making it big time. From the Devil Wears Prada job and assistant to the editor of Vanity Fair, to $100,000 contracts and prestigious MBA programs. Everyone around me is being garlanded and praised and I'm most likely to be rejected for a job I didn't need to go to law school to do. This was made particularly piquant last night by seeing Leander.

I went to prep school with Leander and he was my best friend from about 8-13. Very much lost contact at secondary school and then had two encounters during university years. We've become reacquainted purely by accident - we bumped into each other on the street around Waterloo station a couple of years ago, very strange. We've met up a couple of times since and on each occasion I'm reminded of just why we were such good friends and make endless promises to myself to see him more and integrate him into my life. But, as these things go, life gets in the way and the months stretch between visits. Perhaps this last meeting will be the start of a more frequent interaction. Got to love having a friend you've known for 20 years ... although there were a lot of gaps in those years, so does it count?

Leander has devastated the competition of achievement by having a book published (
something which I've always wanted to do. Furthermore he has his first book signing in Harrods, is currently working on his second novel and may have the first made into a film. Its hard not to be angry. He's also acted at the Globe. And he's in Atonement.

I would like to be happy for other people, but I don't think I've really got it in me and instead just content myself with the thought that one day my immeasuarble revervoirs of resentment and misery will be dammed up by an unyielding wall of cash, tended by diamond encrusted beavers.

Hot, shirtless, diamond-encrusted beavers.


1 comment:

SaintTigerlily said...

But we are happy happy, so very happy for the success of our friends, right???
