Friday, 15 February 2008

Fattest Day of the Year (Part 3)

Seems February 12th is officially the fattest day of the year - the horror of the breakfast muffin has brought me back to my senses and I'm once again back to being a pseudo vegan (99% of the meals I eat are vegan, but I could never give up meat forever). One addition to my diet this week has been the brussel sprout curry ... over and above having the diet of a vegan, I have the diet of a pregnant woman ... and all I can say is don't knock it til you've tried it. Ginger, garlic, chilli, onion and lemongrass for the paste, add coconut milk then chuck in halved brussel sprouts that have been cooked for exactly one minute. Heaven.

As my knee is almost entirely recovered from surgery as well I'll hopefully be back on my bike and cycling to work next week. Can't wait, I miss my daily fix of cycling passed the houses of Parliament. Might even be able to do yoga again, but the downward dog puts huge pressure on my knee right where it hurts so maybe I should hold off a bit longer.

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