Friday, 22 May 2009

This week

Had a rather lovely week all in all.  Most activities revolved around exercise and desperately trying not to eat bread.  Actually, to be fair its only last night and today that I was tempted to break my diet and the only reason I didn't was because I could actually SEE I was thinner in the mirror this morning.  Bearing in mind I spend at least an hour (in total) every day poking at my fat in the mirror, to have changed enough for it to be noticeable under that degree of scrutiny is truly an achievement.

Exercise reached its peak on Wednesday this week when I cycled 4 miles to my gym, lifted weights for an hour, did an hour Pilates class, cycled home.  Then cycled 2 miles to my friend's gym in the evening did a 90 minute cardio workout and then cycled home.  Then got a call saying my friend Fed was around - he's been in Uganda for two years - so I cycled 6 miles over to my friends flat to see him.  Have to say I didn't make the gym the following day but really there was no need (and I did walk around for four hours all afternoon and then cycled 6 miles home)!

Bought some seriously snappy shorts this afternoon.  They are the very embodiment of short shorts.  Not only do they look great but they'll save me having to tell people I'm gay.  They have turn ups and everything.  Maybe I'll post a picture the first time I wear them.

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