Thursday, 14 May 2009

Schedule of Crazy

Shortly after posting yesterday I retired to bed to enjoy my new sheets.  I was somewhat aware of the fact that I'd only had four hours sleep and thought it might be good to have a nap.  HOWEVER, I made the huge mistake of watching 30 Rock for ages, so when I did go to sleep it was about 7 which meant I woke up at 5 this morning!  5!  I'd been to the gym and was considering having my second shower of the day BEFORE MIDDAY.  Craziness.  I've achieved so much already.  God knows when I'm going to get out of this crazy sleep schedule too.  Although I guess techincally going to bed early and getting up with daylight isn't CRAZY crazy.  In fact its quite the opposite.  Maybe this will be the start of a new me, maybe I'll have to change the name of my blog?!!?!  Tales of an old lady?

Most annoying part of the day was deciding at 7 to go to the gym and then getting a flat tyre on my bike.  Wanted to get it repaired but obviously the shop didn't open for another 2 hours!  2!  That was such a weird realisation.  Anyway, in order to get over the trauma I ordered a digital camera off t'internet.  YAY, soon my blog will be illustrated.  I fully intend to out-Japanese the Japanese with the amount of photos I will take.

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