Monday, 18 May 2009

Family and frolicks

Mum's birthday on Tuesday ... went home for a party with the faaamily on Sunday.  Although the party was on Sunday mum asked me to come home early to help with the cooking.  Turns out there wasn't that much cooking to do but I think I was more than aware I was at home for the purposes of company rather than for coooking skills.  This did mean that I missed cocktails and hilarity with the gays on Saturday night watching the Eurovision Song Contest.  Not quite the same as watching it with someone going 'Can we watch something else, this is terrible'.  Some relationships its all take take, take.

Party on Sunday was ok, crowds are not my scene and my family is not my scene.  Highlight was watching my cousins child (Matti ... Danish name) ... which was a great excuse to go and have a lie down on mum's bed.  Look I took a picture:

Love that I won't put pictures of me on here but am more than happy to expose the rest of my family to the steely gaze of the general public (all 1/2 of you).  So aside from family frolicks I got stoned a lot and rather than having access to the mint tea and mung beans in my house I had access to the ice cream and cheese cake ay my mothers house.  Three days without exercise and dessert after evey meal.  I'm trying to control the urge to go on a lettuce only diet and take my sleeping bag to the gym.

BTW I'm watching Lipstick Jungle, its awful with a capital UGH

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