In some people's opinion crazy people aren't sick, they merely have a unique perspective on the world. This is mine.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Other stuff this week
Completely forgot to mention that I went to the launch of the magazine CENTREFOLD this week, of which my ex-flatmate Gayden is the fashion editor. So proud of her. I'd have been prouder of her if the magazine had come back from the printers in time for the launch and I had something to be proud about, but it was not to be. Didn't really matter though -they blew up stills from the magazine and had them on the walls of this gallery (its a biannual fashion magazine so you can imagine its very arty) and there was a massive turn out. Lots of UBERtrendy, monied, media types. Lousy with hot guys too. Events like that are SO much more suitable for potential boyfriends than stupid clubs. Anyway, here's a picture of Gayden looking AMAZING in some Versace cheetah print at the opening:
Friday, 22 May 2009
This week
Had a rather lovely week all in all. Most activities revolved around exercise and desperately trying not to eat bread. Actually, to be fair its only last night and today that I was tempted to break my diet and the only reason I didn't was because I could actually SEE I was thinner in the mirror this morning. Bearing in mind I spend at least an hour (in total) every day poking at my fat in the mirror, to have changed enough for it to be noticeable under that degree of scrutiny is truly an achievement.
Exercise reached its peak on Wednesday this week when I cycled 4 miles to my gym, lifted weights for an hour, did an hour Pilates class, cycled home. Then cycled 2 miles to my friend's gym in the evening did a 90 minute cardio workout and then cycled home. Then got a call saying my friend Fed was around - he's been in Uganda for two years - so I cycled 6 miles over to my friends flat to see him. Have to say I didn't make the gym the following day but really there was no need (and I did walk around for four hours all afternoon and then cycled 6 miles home)!
Bought some seriously snappy shorts this afternoon. They are the very embodiment of short shorts. Not only do they look great but they'll save me having to tell people I'm gay. They have turn ups and everything. Maybe I'll post a picture the first time I wear them.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Diet and Exercise
Made the executive decision to go back on the Paleo diet today. Although it is one of the more restrictive diets you can go on its really easy and very nutritious. Basically you're supposed to eat like a caveman and definitely not eat any processed foods. So no wheat, dairy, rice, legumes, potatoes or salt but lots of lean protein, fruit and vegetables. Its easy cause you can have as much as you want of the foods you are allowed to eat - no calorie/carb counting and weighing things. I really like it because you start to think of food as fuel which is good for someone who basically uses food as a mood stabiliser. The major downside is that it really sucks all the fun out of food. For example today I've eaten an omlette with half a can of tuna and then for dinner I had a turkey steak, kale and broccoli. No salt, no sauce, no nothing. To be fair you can use herbs and spices but I wasn't feeling very inspired today. If I make something more interesting I'll blog about it and take a photo.
I've been on something of a health kick for a while (lots of gym, lots of cycling) but haven't made too much of an effort with the diet. I've lost loads of weight cause I'm doing so much exercise but now I want to take things to the next level and get the twin benefits of a healthy diet and lots of exercise. I'll be a relief map of veins on no time. Plus I've been on so many diets of the years that psychologically I feel like if I'm not depriving myself of something I'm not really trying. Have to see how it goes - first day no problem, ge ready for lots of posts about how amazing bread is though once I start to miss it. In fact I think I'm going to start a new blog all about my Paleo experience! YAY!
Monday, 18 May 2009
Family and frolicks
Mum's birthday on Tuesday ... went home for a party with the faaamily on Sunday. Although the party was on Sunday mum asked me to come home early to help with the cooking. Turns out there wasn't that much cooking to do but I think I was more than aware I was at home for the purposes of company rather than for coooking skills. This did mean that I missed cocktails and hilarity with the gays on Saturday night watching the Eurovision Song Contest. Not quite the same as watching it with someone going 'Can we watch something else, this is terrible'. Some relationships its all take take, take.

Party on Sunday was ok, crowds are not my scene and my family is not my scene. Highlight was watching my cousins child (Matti ... Danish name) ... which was a great excuse to go and have a lie down on mum's bed. Look I took a picture:
Love that I won't put pictures of me on here but am more than happy to expose the rest of my family to the steely gaze of the general public (all 1/2 of you). So aside from family frolicks I got stoned a lot and rather than having access to the mint tea and mung beans in my house I had access to the ice cream and cheese cake ay my mothers house. Three days without exercise and dessert after evey meal. I'm trying to control the urge to go on a lettuce only diet and take my sleeping bag to the gym.
BTW I'm watching Lipstick Jungle, its awful with a capital UGH
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Schedule of Crazy
Shortly after posting yesterday I retired to bed to enjoy my new sheets. I was somewhat aware of the fact that I'd only had four hours sleep and thought it might be good to have a nap. HOWEVER, I made the huge mistake of watching 30 Rock for ages, so when I did go to sleep it was about 7 which meant I woke up at 5 this morning! 5! I'd been to the gym and was considering having my second shower of the day BEFORE MIDDAY. Craziness. I've achieved so much already. God knows when I'm going to get out of this crazy sleep schedule too. Although I guess techincally going to bed early and getting up with daylight isn't CRAZY crazy. In fact its quite the opposite. Maybe this will be the start of a new me, maybe I'll have to change the name of my blog?!!?! Tales of an old lady?
Most annoying part of the day was deciding at 7 to go to the gym and then getting a flat tyre on my bike. Wanted to get it repaired but obviously the shop didn't open for another 2 hours! 2! That was such a weird realisation. Anyway, in order to get over the trauma I ordered a digital camera off t'internet. YAY, soon my blog will be illustrated. I fully intend to out-Japanese the Japanese with the amount of photos I will take.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
To travel or not to travel?
Sarah from Hawaii was in London yesterday, stopping over on her marathon journey from Cairo (she's been living there) to Maui. I can't imagine being involved in any travel itinerary where part of it was 'fly from London to LA' and only being about halfway through. Poor girl. Great to see her though, must have been at least two years. She was all happy and glowing, but why wouldn't she be? Boyfriend in Egypt and going back to Maui to work for her dad. I can't imagine what its like to come from a place most people (in Europe at least) would consider a dream destination. Went over to Brick Lane and had some red wine with Anthony and Bean and had a good chat and catch up.
She left bright and early this morning and I seized the opportunity to go into town to the gallery where I might work in the vain hope of tracking down the girl I met who works there. Of course she was out. Now I don't know if I should go back again or just leave it! They change exhibitions next week so maybe I'll pop in for that. Met Brittany and James for lunch, then swung by Debenhams on the way home and 'accidentally' spent £150 on a new duvet, sheets and pillows. Never bought any before so I felt it was my time, plus they were 50% off so they were practically free.
Sarah was inviting all and sundry to Maui for August when her parents are away. I've already got an invite to go to Martha's Vineyard for August too. Plus I might be going to the Biennale in Venice, plus I might go and see an Opera by The Knife in Germany in October which happens to be around Oktoberfest. Having recently returned from France and Spain and said repeatedly to anyone who would listen 'remind me never to leave London again' it seems strange that its only a fortnight later and I'm planning to visit Venice, Maui, Martha's Vineyard, Dresden, Berlin and Munich. I guess Venice and Germany would just be a couple of weekends and the states is like going home so it doesn't really count. That's what I'll tell myself anyway.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Went to Mien Tay for Vietnamese food last night ( for Faye's birthday. Can't say the food was particularly distinguished - all the Vietnamese places on the Kingsland Road are amazing and Mien Tay was certainly no exception. Had salt and pepper squid, fried seaweed and a delicious pancake to start. Main course was fried pork cutlets with egg and rice. All very good and the bill was only £10 a head! Amazing. The people were lovely too - really friendly (one of them had the cutest baby) and when we sang happy birthday to Faye they quickly whipped up some banana fritters and stuck candles in them. So nice.
Think I can safely say I'm recovered from the weekend - feeling fresh and ready to tackle life. Need to get butt in gear this week. Shopping and gallery tomorrow, need to find stuff to do today - maybe I'll go see the new Wolverine move. Hmmmm, gym first.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Weekends of fun
Hmmm its seems I'm falling into the trap of doing nothing all week long and then hanging out with people at the weekend when they are free. Very bad, I need to do stuff during the week by myself to ensure I'm enriching my life at least a little bit. Maybe that can be my quest for the week - at least two posts about interesting things I've done this week. Going to the gym does not count.
Wasted the weekend a bit as well cause I was stoned for most of it. Not freshly stoned either but at the end of a week of smoking pot which needless to say made me hungry, lazy and reluctant to go out. Friday I went round to Jack and Laura's house and hung out with Billy, Molly, Anthony and Bean. For some reason we had an arm wrestling competition - I beat all the girls RAR, what a man - then played poker til 6 o clock in the morning. The whole time we were smoking, drinking and doing lines. Playing poker and doing lines? Who have I turned into? Neither of which I particularly enjoy but they do go well together and I had a great time. Got a kiss on the lips from Anthony as he was leaving too ... he's definitely straight. Ehem.
Saturday I came home, smoked, ate too much and then had to drag myself to my brother's 'I'm off to Australia' party. Lots of people there and he was quite the social butterfly. I was meant to go to Faye's birthday party after but have to confess I told Dom thats where I was going and just went home. I blame marijuana pshychosis and Damages - watched the entire first season in one go ... its amazing. Sunday I finished my weed and ate my way through the contents of the house. Dear me. Not good, so I lie here, Monday morning (just) trying to get my life into some kind of order and my head to function again. Think I'll be giving up smoking for quite some time.
Need to get on the job hunt (finally) this week, get to the gym, go to Pilar Corrias and generally improve and enrich my life. No more lying around, two hours of gym, lying around, bed. Whole of London is out there waiting for me.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Dom was over for Friday and Saturday nights ... first night out with friends in Camden and ready to depart for Brighton the following day for a house party of a girl he met in Dublin. I didn't go out on Friday, just a quiet night in. Was maybe going to go to a dance show in the Tate Modern turbine hall but it meant standing for two hours and I didn't fancy. Murray was also meant to be in packing for her trip to Ghana but obviously didn't show up til about 10:30pm. Walked Dom to ASDA on Saturday and then went off for a gym session. Read for the afternoon and then Deb came over in the evening to get stoned and wait to let Dom back in the house. Haven't smoked for ages and got really giggly and had an amazing time.
Dom came home and we watched TV for a bit then to bed. Sunday he went off to Dad's house and I went to the gym while waiting for mum to arrive. She finally arrived about 2 after a nightmare journey of rail replacement and closed tube lines. Saw her for an hour then cycled over to Queensway to Doig's hosue for lunch. Stopped off in Hyde Park for a quick cigarette and chat with Isi and Brittany. Had lovely lunch of Roast chicken and then sat on his balcony having a glass of wine or too. Then borrowed Doig's clothes and cycled into town to go to Ku Bar. Had a good dance in the skimpiets outfit I've ever worn in public. Had to leave urgently when Henry tried to set me up with an unattractive greas haired mook with drugs all over his face. It was only midnight but my back was hurting and I was ready to go anyway.
Monday went to Leung's Legend with mum and Miriam and then to the Picasso show at the National Gallery. It was a good show - always great to see Picassos - if not a bit shorter than I was expecting. Saw his version of Las Meninas for the first time and absolutely loved it. Maybe it appeals to my art histroian side but there was a lot of clever interpretation and response to the Valesquez. Particularly in his representation of the artist - seems to me Picasso was depicting him as a superior man of intuition, insight and creativity - a ball of energy and a conduit for inspiration compared to the more conventioanlly rendered images of the Spanish Royal family.
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