In some people's opinion crazy people aren't sick, they merely have a unique perspective on the world. This is mine.
Friday, 29 February 2008
It's a leap year!
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Highlight of the week

Free time much?


The concept of the LUCKY was the brainchild of Brittany and basically revolves around appreciating the fact that if you were involved in ANY scenario where you might potentially develop super powers/battle a demonic cult/travel through time or similar then what could be better? Surely the greatest thing that could ever happen to you is going on holiday to Rome, landing in the airport and in arrivals some ancient nun starts screaming at you before suddenly dying with blood spurting from her eyes. As she goes down her roasry flies out of her hand and lands at your feet. You bend down, bloodied and shell shocked, pick it up and think LUCKY! You know you're in for the time of your life. You thought you might go crazy and jump in the Trevi fountain, but NOW there's every possibility you'll be battling the forces of satan before the week is out. We decided that the ultimate lucky is the one in Terminator ... someone coming up to you and saying 'I've been sent from the future to protect you' LUCKY! Now, however, I think it might be the scene in Cloverfield where they emerge from the convenience store onto the partially destroyed, flaming street just in time to see a flash of a monster raging in the distance. LUCKY! I'd be so happy. Don't get me wrong I'd be running for JFK while booking flights to Hong Kong over the phone (Brittany also came up with SHINY, SHINY, super-clean shopping malls in HK being the safest pace on the planet and the ultimate antidote to supernatural/slasher shenanigans). Sure, you might die, but at least it won't be in car crash or of heart disease or something equally as mundane.
The LUCKY! Also applies to more minor events - someone screaing into their mobile phone, people walking into lamp posts, people getting hit in the head by flying objects, people yelling at a bus driver ... there's so much great stuff out there. Not only are you lucky enough to get to see it, but you also get to go home and tell people about it.
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Global Warming? More like GAY
Even if CO2 is causing the planet to warm there's not much making a compost heap is going to do about it. CO2 only makes up 0.03% of the atmosphere and of that CO2 0.015% is created by man made activities. Of that tiny percentage of atmospheric gasses you have to weigh up the fact that China is building a new coal fired power station at the rate of one every five days against you buying an energy saving light bulb and reusing plastic bags. The only real way to have an impact on carbon emissions would be for everyone to become a vegetarian - animals produce way more CO2 than we do and if we didn't rear them they'd be far fewer of them. Plus more plants means more CO2 absorption. Not eating rice would also be extremely beneficial as paddy fields produce loads of CO2 [as a side bar the Toyota Prius is so complicated to manufacture that its actually more environmentally friendly to drive a 4x4 for your whole life than buy one (not even taking into account driving it around].
Plus its also worth noting that most of the 'proof' for global warming comes from the IPCC, they'd all be out of a job pretty quickly if they said 'the world is getting hotter but its because we're coming out of the last ice age and there's not a lot we can do about it'. Bye-bye funding, bye-bye salary. Its like the Vatican saying 'we've got proof that God exists' and everybody going 'oh why didn't you say so, we believe now'. The whole myth appeals to people's conservatism, fear of change and allows the ignorant to feel righteous. We've elevated a bunch of cranks and weirdos who hate development and fear globalisation and technology to the level of prophets. People are going look back on us in 1000 years and laugh at our anthropocentricity and stupidity.
While I'm on the subject as well ... life on this planet managed to survive a giant meteor strike that blackened the sky and blocked the sun for months on end. I think it might just get through a few degrees temperature rise and the occasional oil spill. Nature doesn't need your help, even if we coated the world in oil slicks and toxic chemicals creatures would simply evolve that thrived on oil and toxic chemicals. The whole idea that the world is this fragile little daisy in need of the protection of some hessian-sack-wearing hippy is lunacy. We live on rock floating on a lake of fire hurtling through a vacuum at thousands of miles an hour, crawling all over it like a virus, living pointless lives full of pain and misery. If anyone needs help its us, not the planet. The sooner people realise that the sooner we can all get out there, hug some strangers, drink some beer, enjoy sunshine and stop to smell the pretty flowers.
I do think its worth conserving the planet's resources, but only because it makes sense and being wasteful is tacky. Doing it because you think you're going to stop London from drowning is moronic and doing it at the expense of the development of the third world is criminal.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Heart Disease
Oh crap on closer inspection I'm supposed to eat 13 portions of vegetables a day and 2-4 of fruit. Which means I just spent all day eating butt loads of sugar and then half a tonne of fat in the evening.
Monday, 25 February 2008

Went to France on Saturday with Henry and an empty boot ready to receive huge amounts of wine. Was up til 4am the previous night celebrating a birthday and despite my alarm not going off and the amount I'd had to drink I still managed to get up at 7:30. 3 hours sleep and a pre-midday wakeup on a weekend is not a recipe for a day of delight. However, didn't actually turn out to be too bad and although I flagged a bit around 2 when my hangover really started to kick in it was a really fun trip. We were heading to Cite Europe just outside Calais which is a giant mall with about 150 shops in. Due to my less than auspicious condition when I woke up we didn't print any directions on how to get there and assumed that such a large retail venue would be sign posted, especially since at least 90% of the traffic through Calais is looking for similar. However, turns out NOTHING is sign posted in France and we ended up driving round Calais for about an hour (after having driven halfway to Paris) screaming 'I HATE FRANCE' at the tops of our voices and it became our constant refrain for the rest of the day. There was also much discussion of the fact that as we were now on the continent we should be using the horn constantly, which didn't actually happen til I got back to London and had to alert drunk people to the fact that they were standing in the middle of the road. Its worth noting we'd only been in France for 45 minutes before seeing 2 people drive straight through red lights and one guy ride his motorbike down the wrong side of the road swerving round the oncoming traffic.
Although this was the worst planned trip of all time (neither of us even knew what the exchange rate was) it was really successful with many purchases including 36 bottles of champagne, 3 litres of fish soup, 10 croissants, and enough veal, foie gras and horse meat to have my British passport revoked. Had a lovely lunch of fish soup and beef bourgenion at a weird German themed pub in a Las Vegas (on a budget) style fake village at the back of the mall. We were both extremely happy to be back on British soil and would've sang Jerusalem as we disembarked the ferry if there was even a vague possibility it could've been heard over Girls Aloud. My signature driving moves of no lights at night and driving with the handbrake on were out in full force. I blame the hangover (and the French). It was nice doing something one on one with Henry as its been a while since its been just us without his boyfriend and we'll definitely be doing it again. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of the trip was the complete lack of any hot french men. Maybe we're spoiled living in London but there literally wasn't a single guy worthy of even a second glance, then again I guess its not hard to imagine the French saying the same about Dover!
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Shit Awards
Wino missed her cue in the first song like a bad karaoke singer and although clawed it back then sang like she had a deadly combination of tourettes and epilepsy. The woman cannot dance: she looks like a particularly skinny granny having a good 'ol fashion knees up. Someone needs to tell her as well that she is a singer and it would be nice if she actually sang, rather than burping and covulsing her way through every vocal performance like its impossible for her to sustain a note beyond .1 of a second. I'm beginning to think she can't actually sing and Mark Ronson has used mad scientist recording technology to make it sound like she can on her album. I'm sick of watching her trying so PAINFULLY hard to be nonchalant and hip. Ugh.
McCartney was the worst though. Give him a lifetime achievement award, fine. Strap him to a wheelchair and just roll him straight across the stage dropping the award into his lap as he wheels passed the podium. Why anybody wants to see grandad play the piano is beyond me. Maybe next year Sting will perform with his lute. Plus surely to receive a lifetime achievement award you actually need a lifetime of achievement, not just a period 50 years ago when people thought you were quite good. The Beatles have to be the most overrated band of all time, not because they weren't good, but because no one deserves the outrageous amount of attention and sycophancy that is heaped upon them on a daily basis.
As for who won the awards, who cares? Can you remember who won last year? The nominations for Best British Male featured three people I'd never heard of before. 3/5 nice.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Jackie Collins tells no lies
Further to this story another friend of mine worked at a finance company in the city for a guy who was by all intents and purposes the sleaziest man on the planet - hands everywhere, coke in the bathroom, that sort of thing. The inevitable happened and the receptionist threatened to sue him for sexual harrassment after a particularly full on encounter. Instead of being contrite the guy offered to buy her fake boobs to keep her quiet. She accepted.
Monday, 18 February 2008
Mohammed Speaks
A fellow madman
I love that he thinks he can't get British citizenship because of some conspiracy against him and not just because he's a morally bankcrupt crook whose entire business and fortune is founded on theft and deceit. He's not all bad though, he did commission this BEAUTIFUL statue of Diana and Dodi releasing a .... seagull? Albatross? and since he's going to die before me there's every possibility that one day it'll come up for sale and I can buy it.
Hole Foods
Visited the apotheosis of food shops on Saturday: the Whole Foods on High Street Kensington. Despite the fact that its been open for ages it hadn't really occured to me to go until last week. It occupies three floors of the Barkers Building and I was excited by descriptions of giant salad bars, a cheese room and a huge meat counter (not that I'd buy any, but its still fun to look) as decribed by Henry. Went in and was initially somewhat overwhelmed by the shinyness and variety of it all and for about 5 minutes was a kid in a sweet shop. Decided I needed to get a cup of coffee so went to the cafe upstairs. Waited in the queue for 10 minutes and not a single person in the line in front of me got a cup in that time so I left. It was OK though because you could 'sample' coffee in the basement, I stood at the coffee bar knocking back shots like I was on a bender.
The more I walked round the shop the more uncomfortable it made me. Whole Foods in the States are just very upscale supermarkets, whereas here they've gone for more of a Food Hall feel. Draws attention to the fact that you're paying over the odds to support their branding and polish. I think it's fair enough and entirely their prerogative to charge the earth for freshly made seafood skewers/salads/imported meat etc that are unique but it pisses me off no end when they sell something avaliable widely but at an inflated cost. After a half hour of wandering round watching all the Jocastas and Mungos shoveling free bits of cheese and bread into their horsey mouths, while forking out £8 for crab meat I started to feel a bit grossed out by the conspicuous consumption and left without buying anything. As a shop its entirely representative of everything food shouldn't be.
Art for art's sake
The man is a legend, he'd be a national treasure if people didn't hate him so much, he actually IS a national treasure and after he's dead should be gilded and put on Tate Modern as a terrifying gargoyle to scare away the gawping yokles who go there. He's basically the reason I didn't pursue art as a career, I was tentatively thinking that most modern art was a load of rubbish and much like contemporary classical music had lost its way sometime in the 60s and failed to create much of anything that had any meaning to anyone. It wasn't til I heard Brian saying much the same thing with waspish conviction that I had the confidence to think 'it IS a load of shit'. Having said that he put me off a career in art, he also simultaneously makes me feel guilty that I don't know more about it and is living proof of the pleasure and insight that can be found in great art. So I'm all fired up and wanting to study art again. Maybe I'll order some books today. The greatest thing about Brian (apart from everything else) is his voice and thanks to the magic of the internet you can hear it:
Friday, 15 February 2008
Fattest Day of the Year (Part 3)
As my knee is almost entirely recovered from surgery as well I'll hopefully be back on my bike and cycling to work next week. Can't wait, I miss my daily fix of cycling passed the houses of Parliament. Might even be able to do yoga again, but the downward dog puts huge pressure on my knee right where it hurts so maybe I should hold off a bit longer.
Poor London
Sad. Saddest of all it means that England is still without a single building designed by her. I think we shoud all stop what we're doing now, get down to the foundation and give them a hand. We could get it done by the end of the day if 57 million people help. While I'm on the subject, whoever was in charge of the Cardiff Opera house should be ashamed of themselves, ASAHMED. We could have had this:
Bit instead have this clumsy, hulking, eyesore:
An homage to tasteless comtemporary design with not an ounce of tension, excitement, beauty or merit. We could have had art, but instead we've got Jack Vettriano.
Thursday, 14 February 2008
The sweet smell of success
I went to prep school with Leander and he was my best friend from about 8-13. Very much lost contact at secondary school and then had two encounters during university years. We've become reacquainted purely by accident - we bumped into each other on the street around Waterloo station a couple of years ago, very strange. We've met up a couple of times since and on each occasion I'm reminded of just why we were such good friends and make endless promises to myself to see him more and integrate him into my life. But, as these things go, life gets in the way and the months stretch between visits. Perhaps this last meeting will be the start of a more frequent interaction. Got to love having a friend you've known for 20 years ... although there were a lot of gaps in those years, so does it count?
Leander has devastated the competition of achievement by having a book published (
something which I've always wanted to do. Furthermore he has his first book signing in Harrods, is currently working on his second novel and may have the first made into a film. Its hard not to be angry. He's also acted at the Globe. And he's in Atonement.
I would like to be happy for other people, but I don't think I've really got it in me and instead just content myself with the thought that one day my immeasuarble revervoirs of resentment and misery will be dammed up by an unyielding wall of cash, tended by diamond encrusted beavers.
Hot, shirtless, diamond-encrusted beavers.
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Although I hate gardening now (too impatient) I've come to realise, based on every person I know over the age of 50, that one day I'm going to think its just about the most interesting thing on the planet. Alongside growing a boat load of vegetables I also envisage a greenhouse full of pot (inevitably) and a dank corner for growing mushrooms. Last night I was watching 'Around the World in 80 Gardens' and have had the revelation that spices are grown in gardens. A spice garden! Thus my future dreams now include a tropical greenhouse of spices and possibly even coffee. The fact that I am now sitting in my office in London, when I could be on a mountain somehwere wrapped in fur, eating vegetable curry, smoking a doob, drinking coffee and watching Argentinian Big Brother brings tears to my eyes.
Much better than Florida
Second mention must go to my aunt and uncle who got me a cup/cafetiere for christmas. Despite the fact that it only costs about £5 and was bought without much consideration as to whether I'd want it (they got my brother one too and he doesn't drink coffee) they struck present GOLD! I was so excited to get it (definitely TOO excited, they looked a bit taken aback by my reaction) and I'm still excited to use it. Here's a pitcure:

Hopefully its use is self-explanatory. The combination of this magical cup ( and the tap in our kitchen that dispenses boiling water I can have a cup of fresh colombian coffee as quickly and as easily as instant. In fact the only way life could get any better is if I could team the coffee with a joint. Or some ice cream - two scoops of good vanilla ice cream with a hot espresso poured on top is as good as life gets. OOOH ice cream, coffee AND joint. There we are, thats nirvana.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Breakfast of Kings
In my defence it is cold and miserable and what would you opt for after riding on a crowded train and then an equally crowded tube? Could you really stand in a shop and think 'mmmm low fat yoghurt and muesli' when you could have a freshly toasted delicious muffin with sausage, egg, bacon and ketchup? COULD YOU? I hope not. In an bid to end the cycle of abuse I looked it up online today to check out the nutritional information (which is obviously not avaliable in the shop). It may have done the trick:
ENERGY VALUES (kcal) per pack 759
FAT (g) per pack 30.4
SODIUM (mg) 1700
Mmmmmmmmmmm, artery clogging. Plus there's a lot of ketchup (sugar) on top of that. Also if you have that much red meat and grease for breakfast you need something to cut through it all so there's a can of fat coke on top (extra 100 kcal). Should be pretty obvious that the title of this post refers exclusively to Henry VIII, Elvis and Taufa'ahau Tupou (until his recent death the world's heaviest monarch at 440llbs). It's only a matter of time before Channel 4 makes a documentary about me: 'I haven't been able to leave the house in three years' 'The man who turned into bacon' '500lbs and 500 hours to live', something like that.
Monday, 11 February 2008
Ministry of silly questions
Working in HR must be the most depressing job on the planet. Asking someone a load of nonsensical questions just so you can hear the fairytale they've created. They know it's a lie, you know it's a lie - for whom exactly is this interview being conducted? Even the interviewer (one of several) couldn't hide his contempt. We'd talk about something and have a lively discussion and then he'd glaze over and read out 'name a time when blah blah blah' and mechanically write down the answer. Plus the job isn't that difficult. I'm not applying to be Secretary General of the UN. I will essentially be collating documents and using a phone. In spite of this I've had a written test and two hours of interviews with three different people. Appropriate questions would be 'Can you work a photocopier?' 'Can you make decent coffee?' 'Are you going to get hammered every Sunday night and call in sick for work on Monday?' not 'If you got a job here how would you raise your reputation for competance?' WHAT? Ummmm I'd make sure not to throw up at my desk when I was hungover and blame all my mistakes on other people.
Interviews favour the sniveling and the ignorant. People of minor intellect who work themselves to death to get to the middle of the pile. It will never be acceptable at a job interview to say 'I didn't go to a single one of my classes cause I was too drunk, but I did get 100% on the exam' so I'm never going to get a job. Mmmmmm free time.
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Up the market
My plans for the day do not extend much further than my next meal. I have an overwhelming urge to buy an Xbox 360.
Friday, 8 February 2008
Worst defence of the day
Bishop of Hulme, the Rt Rev Stephen Lowe, criticised the "disgraceful" way in which the archbishop had been "ridiculed" and "lampooned" by some. Now here's the back handed compliment: "We have probably one of the greatest and the brightest archbishops of Canterbury we have had for many a long day," he said. No argument there.
Part of my world domination plan involves having Lambeth Palace as my house, this is currently occupied by Dr. Rowan Williams. I thought I was going to have to work hard to bring down the Church of England to take over the place. Seems I've at least got Mr Lowe on my side.
Lambeth Palace is the collection of about six buildings in the foreground, nice view.
From the river:

Dickens described Lambeth Palace as 'quaint' which just goes to prove what an inarticulate hack he was.
Fattest day of the year (part 2)
I picked up some orange-yolk eggs and parmesan straight from Italy so I can make some killer carbonara. Plus I got a slice of chocolate tart which I just ate the nose off ... bitter as Jim Carey at the Oscars, creamy as Julianne Moore's skin (I'm sticking with the hollywood similes). While there I ate a Swiss grilled cheese sandwhich which has leeks and garlic and 8lbs of cheese AND haddock and chips, lots of tartare sauce. All topped off with the world's finest beverage: a glass bottle of coke. All in all a reasonably restrained visit but none of it commensurate with health.
I just realised I didn't get pancetta. No point in having parmesan from Italy if the pancetta is from Tesco. A return to Borough may be in order tomorrow - clearly the planets are not yet aligned correctly for soya milk and muesli.
Meus alarmus non-functionatates est
I'm still expecting a vast improvement in my quality of life
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Things that have annoyed me in the news today
Secondly the Australian abhorrence of Japanese whaling. The Japanese do not care about whales. They do not think they are special and magical creatures. They never will. They're far too busy buying used ladies underwear out of vending machines and miniaturising stuff. Stop making such a fuss. At the last count there were 761,000 minke whales (in the southern hemisphere alone). I think we can stand to loose a few, especially if its at the expense of the good relations of two of the regions largest powers.
The fattest day of the year
Today at lunch I was walking round eating my 'Award winning' Pret Avacado/salad wrap (what award it won I don't know - shittest sandwhich for under £3? Entirely tasteless and the filling (mostly cucumber) falls out the end) and noticed that once again an office near mine was holding yet another meeting. This place has meeting rooms in the basement and so on a daily basis I can look into them and see what is going on. EVERY single time I walk passed at least one of the meeting rooms is being used. Nightmare meeting scenario as well ... media types in overly styled glasses, with their sleeves rolled up, hunching severely towards an unintelligable flip chart ... the sort of meetings where a lot of showing off and no work happens. Finally today I decided that as this was clearly the worlds most inefficient company and no matter where my career lead me I would be well equipped to know what this outift was and avoid it at all costs. So I went into reception and had a look today. Its a conference centre.
I've officially declared this the fattest day of the year as my post-operative sloth comes to an end tomorrow. It was going to be today but as Hen, Ames and I are going to Hot stuff tonight ( it would be an excercise in futility. Plus Raj would be very disappointed if we didn't at least try to empty the kitchen - it certainly wouldn't be worth him having to tolerate the lewd, drunken shouting that is the hallmark of our every visit. Back to pseudo-veganism tomorrow and hopefully a return to excercise will swiftly follow.