2. The only thing I had to do at work today was print out a bill I wrote yesterday and give it to my secretary to work her magic on. It's 4:45 and I have failed to do this. That could explain the number of posts
3. I hope my boss never reads this
4. Although I hate ballet I do like beautiful Cuban guys in a mini ... mini ... mini what? I hate to say skirt but is there such a thing as a mini-tunic? So I should go see that Carlos Acosta show

5. I hate Amalah (of http://www.amalah.com/) because she's funnier than me and people read her blog and write comments and we all know comments are little drops of paradise.
6. After I kissed the Brazilian guy last night I said 'It was really nice to meet you'. I meant this in a 'its nice to meet a hot brazilian man who wants to make out with you within the first five minutes of your aquaintance' kind of way. He took it as his cue to leave. I'll have to believe he thought I was dismissing him or the only other explanation is that I'm a terrible kisser. Stupid alcohol I don't know which is true.
7. I haven't seen Saint Tigerlily for months (years?) and I'm very grown up and patient about the situation. Now she's coming in four days and I'm all 'FOUR DAYS? But I want it now!' You can imagine for yourself me stamping my foot in frustration, my knee dislocating as a result and my head slamming into my desk as I reach down to grab it.
8. Why do I tell people I like the Opera when I haven't been in 15 years? I don't like Friends and I've seen that twice this week
9. Despite going to bed at 3:30 and getting up at 7:30 I haven't yawned once and nor do I feel remotely tired. Maybe I'll be like that character in this Dean Koontz book I read (it was just the one time and it was basically an accident, I was drunk at the time, I don't normal do that type of thing) who gets a massage from an alien and never needs to sleep again.
10. I should start cycling into work again. The terrible weather and a constant string of hangovers meant that its been public transport for me for about two weeks now and soon I'll be in the prescence of the trainer-honed perfection of a Saint.
Um, that is really raising expectations. I am just a little thinner and a little more toned AND since I haven't seen you in HOLYSHIT three years, I'll probably still be fatter than when you saw me last.
Stupid late twenties.
Re: #5
Oh my GOD I know. I love love love her but at the same time - what the hell? I want me some comments too!
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