Tuesday, 22 April 2008

The good life

Life continues quietly and calmly. I'm floating serenly on a pond of water lilies, in a skiff made of reeds, dangling my fingers in the water. Who needs excitement when you have contentment? Last night watched Enchanted with Amy, in my bed, drinking Mint tea. Was really enjoyable, Amy Adams was hilarious and whats-his-face-from-that-doctor-show was all debonnaire and handsome. James Marsden was surprisingly funny too (do I really need to mention that I love him? Probably not), only more Susan Sarandon could've improved the film.

Derren Brown came out yesterday. For those not in the know he's a 'psychological illusionist', basically he's a magician with an epic memory who doesn't claim to have magical powers and likes to show how his tricks work. If you haven't seen any of his shows then GO! Download! Find SOMETHING, he's really extraordinarily good at what he does. Most people find him creepy, so I obviously think he's insanely attractive and now I know he's on my team. Best get out my stalking kit.

UPDATE: Just read on his Wikipedia entry that he in fact came out in september of last year! Love that we're finally getting to the point where someone can come out and its not a national news sensation.

1 comment:

SaintTigerlily said...

Oooh, didn't you love Enchanted? The only thing we didn't like, (and, I guess, NOT a thing strictly speaking) was the little kid.

Little kids can really go either way.