Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Steve's Birthday

Went camping over the weekend to celebrate Steve's birthday. Really enjoyed the whole evening much more than I thought I would ... and I was looking forward to it. Here's a picture of me shitting myself with excitement in my tent:

Obviously my happiness has got nothing to do with the full bar occupying 50% of my tent. Ehem. Since the gays were the only people who had bought a realistic amount of alcohol (8 of us, therefore 2.5 litres of spirits, 18 beers, 18 ciders, 5 bottles of wine) we were forced to hide it all from the rest of the group. My tent became known as Catacombs ... the gayest of gay bars in the whole of the Forest of Dean. Was so much fun.

Came home and had a poignant mum and son moment - realised that we both had our joint rolling equipment in bags on the coffee table. 'How alike we are' I thought and then realised that hers was a bag she got free with Good Housekeeping magazine and mine was a leather Gucci makeup bag (which I bought in a moment of vanity and self-aggrandisation in my early teens).

1 comment:

SaintTigerlily said...

Pah. Funny. Miss you. You look svelte. Come and visit.