Tuesday, 23 June 2009

5 days in a row is a habit, right?

Had a terribly boring day on Saturday, Miriam was away at Ascot so I wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet in the house. Did a mahoosive work out in the morning, including starting the hundred push up challenge (http://hundredpushups.com/). Had plans to see Debora later in the day so I didn't mind killing time milling around. Turns out Debora wasn't well and slept all day so by about 8:30 I was going CRAZY with boredom (and hunger). Finally snapped and went charging up to the High Street with Amy to get Mexican food. Tim and Jess came to meet us and we ended up going for drinks (me not drinking, like a SAINT). One of them had been at Ascot and drinking all day, see if you can guess which:

I wasn't drinking not only to be healthy but with the intention of going to Body Pump at 9:30 the next morning. Mind was willing but the body was not able. Had a nice lie in instead. In the afternoon went to the ever glorious Battersea Park for a picnic for Matt's birthday. Even though the park is minutes from my house (by bike) and I've been there on numerous occasions ever time I go I see something new. This time I found a pagoda and a herb garden. Wonder if the herbs are for sale? Would be amazing if they were. Have to look into it. Anyway, picnic was lovely and Matt's GORGEOUS girlfriend Genny made some great sandwhiches:

Only dark cloud was me - I was excessively grumpy and since I'm on my crazy diet brought and ate my own food. Don't think Genny is my biggest fan and now I'm sure she thinks I'm a rude bastard. I left when Matt's gorgeous cousin Ed showed up. Met him about 10 years ago and developed a huge crush (he's the worlds nicest boy) and shortly after he left to be the House of Lords representative to the European Parliament no less! In the intervening time his hair had turned grey, thereby transforming him into my ideal apart. Apart from the whole being straight thing, so I left in a huff.

Finished the day well though - Henry had invited me to lunch but I'd already agreed to go to the picnic but I went to go meet the lunch party at an old man's gay pub in Limehouse and saw some truly second rate drag. Had an amazing time, laughed like a drain at all the drunken antics and got a 15 mile cycle ride out of the whole affair too. Here's Henry and Amy having the TIME OF THEIR LIVES:

Monday the only excitement was going to Pilates instructed by the completely adorable Michael. Small, handsome, bright eyed, bushy tailed Australian guy. I'm in love. I literally had to restrain myself from running out in the middle of the class to buy him a puppy. Good news is that he's a gay, bad news is that there's no way someone that adorable is single. Anyway, he teaches on Sunday and Monday so I'll be going and praying I'm wrong.

Its Tuesday now and I've been dieting and exercising like a maniac for five days. Went to Yoga this afternoon and later I'll be cycling 5 miles to Waterloo to do a spinning class. Yoga felt amazing, first time I've done it in ages. I'm definitely going to have to get stuck back in. Am feeling very thin and healthy. Bit exhausted though so I think tomorrow is going to be a day of rest and carbohydrate consumption! YAY! Can't wait.

1 comment:

SaintTigerlily said...

I want pictures of YOU!

Not in a creepy way.