Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Give me bed

I just fell asleep at my desk and I mean asleep. Not head nodding, can't-keep-my-eyes-open asleep, but head back, snoring, drooling (attractive) asleep. To be fair I didn't sleep a lot over the weekend and Corty was over from NY. He's one of my closest friends and his visit unfortunately overlapped with my pre-booked weekend in the country so I tried to maximise the amount of time I could spend with him. Thursday night I stayed up all night drinking with him, hit the shower in my house and then got on the train to the country. Stayed up til 4 with him on Sunday and then 3 last night. Well, I actually stayed up til 2:30 but then had to spend half an hour trying to secure my phone which I dropped in the back of a cab (mission achieved at 1300 hours today). Was great to see him, been about 8 months since his last visit so really I wish I could've sacrificed more sleep. We mostly drank, talked, smoked and went to the Imperial War Museum. Such a great museum, particularly the Holocaust section which never fails to make me INCREDIBLY depressed and disgusted with people as a whole.

1 comment:

SaintTigerlily said...

Well. I'm glad you learned the dangers of double booking before April.

If you double book me I'm going too turn around and March straight back home. Um. Over the sea!