Having recently endured the horror of being made redundant and staring infinite time in the face, I thought it was about time to reignite the blog. I stopped because my boss pulled me into a meeting and said 'We can tell from the time of your blog posts that you've been writing it at work'!!! I was all 'and you can tell from the content that my life goals revolve around illegal drugs and falling down when drunk' so my writing career came to a swift end. Now I'm free, FREE!
The credit crunch, redundancy, unemployment. Words of horror and terror. Let me speak to you of my experiences of the world economic crisis: I went from being miserable, incarcerated in a prison camp 9 hours a day five days a week, to being set adrift into a world of near constant sunshine, limitless free time and £11,000 to enjoy it all. LET MY TALE BE A WARNING TO YOU ALL. Governments beware ... I went from enslaved, productive member of society, safely contained within the rat race to a free thinking, whirling, happy free spirit ... liable to dash off on holiday, kick up my heels for joy or do something entirely unexpected. Is that what you want from your populations?! IS IT? Who's going to do all the photocopying if everyone's too busy enjoying themselves? I suggest fixing the world economy immediately or risk total societal breakdown and an unstoppable outbreak of picnics.
So I guess the theme of my blog from now on is going to be my search for a new job/career and, by extension, self. More of that later though, for now the theme of my blog is going on holiday cause that's what I'm doing tomorrow - Montpellier, Barcelona, Madrid. I'm hoping I might never return from this trip but instead it'll be the jumping off point for a lifetime of adventures and opportunities. However, since most of my holiday plans revolve around wine (France, no explanation needed plus Spain = Sangria) I'll probably just be back in three weeks as planned - unemployed, hungover and significantly poorer.